Tuesday 15 November 2011


To get a job you need experience, but to get experience you need a job. This is the catch-22 situation myself as a recent graduate and so many others like me are facing in this turbulent economic time. Every job specification I find, even for so-called entry-level jobs, ask for 1-2 years experience. To me, that doesn't make the job 'entry-level'. But as we know all too well, it's an employers market. Employers can afford to be choosy, and advertise what used to be entry-level jobs, to those with experience. And this is what makes it incredibly difficult for graduates and others with little work experience.

Prior to the recession, employers were actively looking for excellent graduates to fill their vacancies. But with so many experienced workers out of work due to redundancies, employers are aiming their jobs to established middle-weights. And who can really blame them? If I was an employer and had to choose between an inexperienced university graduate and someone with years of experience in the job I'm seeking to fill, experience would win.

One could attempt to get experience through internships of voluntary work. But who can really afford to work for nothing? And that is why, when I see an advert for an entry-level job, I literally jump for joy. These are responsible employers, and someone I would be proud to work for. Let's just hope they feel the same way about me.

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