Monday 19 December 2011

Presents you can't wait to give

When you are a child, presents seem to be the most important and exciting part of Christmas. It's sad, but true. The real meaning of Christmas takes a back seat to the large red and white character of Santa Claus, with his sleigh full to the brim with beautifully wrapped magical gifts. As you age, however, things begin to change. Although presents continue to contribute to the majority of Christmas preparation time, giving them to your nearest and dearest greatly trumps receiving them.

As mentioned in a previous post, I absolutely love taking a trip to my beloved Paperchase in order to stock up on my gift-giving necessities. This year though (mostly due to sheer laziness on my part), I decided to place my Paperchase order online. When the parcel arrived, I was ridiculously excited to see my goodies: cards, wrapping paper, tissue, ribbons - the whole shebang.

I spent an entire evening lovingly crafting my masterpieces, complete with well wrapped paper and curled ribbon. And they looked amazing (even if I do say so myself). I can't wait to take on the role of Santa and deliver them. I'm just like the boy in the John Lewis advert.

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