Thursday 22 December 2011

Definitely not a baker

I love baking. Or rather, I love the idea of baking. When browsing the baking accessories section of the John Lewis website, for some obscure reason I begin to get ridiculously excited. The bowls, measuring jugs, cake cases and cookie cutters fill me with the intense desire to put on my apron and start sifting the flour. I even purchased a Le Creuset baby blue spatula on my last visit to the department store - I just couldn't help myself.

However, I will hold my hands up and admit that although I enjoy baking, I am definitely not a natural baker. On my last baking effort, I attempted a batch of blueberry cupcakes from a recipe I found ages ago in The Sunday Times Style magazine. The pictures shown looked absolutely scrumptious. My cakes, unfortunately, did not.

I couldn't even bring myself to take a photo of my culinary disaster. Not even the effects of Instagram could mask this epic fail.

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