Wednesday 28 December 2011

Better baking (cheat)

As mentioned a while ago, I really enjoy baking. However, my last attempt was, what you would call, an epic fail. Therefore, this time I thought it would be best to have a little help. Some might call this cheating, but considering what happened with my blueberry cupcakes, I call it smart.

I decided to make some chocolate cupcakes, courtesy of Green's Dennis the Menace Cake Mix. I've made these cakes many moons ago, and they always turned out beautifully. This time was no different.

You open the box, and twenty minutes later, you have a tray of perfectly cooked cupcakes. Just add the icing and little character motifs, and you're done. Granted, they're not the most attractive cakes in the world, but they taste wonderful. The plate of 12 were demolished almost instantly. Result.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

No.5 is No.1

Chanel No. 5 is considered by most to be the world's most famous fragrance. Released in 1922, it is reported that a bottle of this world-renowned perfume is sold every thirty seconds!

For some years now, I have coveted a bottle of this celebrated scent. This Christmas I had my wish granted, with a bottle of Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere lovingly deposited into my Christmas stocking. The packaging is simple but unmistakably Chanel, with the little white and black box just as iconic as the glass bottle itself.

And what a beautiful bottle it is. Slightly taller than the classic No. 5, but still with the distinct square shape and bottle stopper top. The fragrance within is a reinvention of the original, similar but with a fresh modern twist, making it particularly suitable for a younger market.

As with all Chanel perfumes, you can sense the quality of the scent. They are incredibly long-lasting, and only a small spritz is required to smell beautifully all day. A bottle of No. 5 may be pricey, but it sure is worth it.

Monday 26 December 2011

A quality Christmas staple

When I first see the large tins of Quality Street piling up on supermarket shelves, I know Chrsitmas is just around the corner. For me, the Quality Street tin is a quality Christams staple that no household should be without (and we usually end up with a few!).

One of my all time favoutrite smells is that of a freshly opened tin of the famous chocolates. I'd recommend everyone to stick their nose in a brand new tin and have a good ol' sniff. They are also incredibly beautiful to look at, with their multi-coloured, iridescent wrapping. They won't stick around for long, I'm sure, so I'm stashing the Orange Cremes away from the resident chocoholic (my dad) as I speak.

Nb. Quality Street also make excellent poker chips. I see your Green Triangle and raise you two Big Purple Ones.

Sunday 25 December 2011

All the trimmings

Even though the Christmas lunch is not much more than a fancy roast dinner, I look forward to it each and every year. And it has so far never failed to disappoint me (thanks, mum!). On Christmas morning, the smell of the slow roasting turkey difts up the stairs, and I challenge you to tell me a better smell to awaken to.

Of course, the Christmas dinner would not be right without a few essential ingredients. First and foremost, the turkey, followed by the tricolour of winter veg: carrots, parsnips and brussel sprouts (yes, I actually like brussels). Then there is the stuffing (homemade, obvs), pigs in blankets, roast potatoes and gravy. However, no plate would be complete without the obligatory cranberry sauce.

As Christmas is the period of eccessive eating, the infamous lunch lasts several hours. With starter, main, dessert, cheese and coffee courses to plough our way through (as well as copious amounts of alcohol), it's no wonder we all feel the need to roll home at the end of the night.

Saturday 24 December 2011

The night before Christmas

Christmas Eve is not just my favourite day of the Christmas period, it is my favourite day of the entire year. I have an annual tradition that I go through, which consists of Carols from Kings complete with just lit alter candles, a Chinese takeaway from the restaurant down the road, and a snuggle on the sofa with the classic Christmas film: The Nightmare Before Christmas (more of a cult classic, I admit).

It's amazing how even though some things change, others remain steadily constant. When I was younger I loved Christmas Eve solely because of the presents. Waiting for Santa to arrive and deliver my goodies was the most exciting feeling. Now, however, the excitement and anticipation still grows, but for a different reason: relaxing with family over a turkey dinner and the inevitable Doctor Who Christmas special.

Friday 23 December 2011

Supermarket Starbucks

Like many, I do enjoy a Starbucks latté every now and then, and often have to stop myself from buying yet another every time I pass by that famous coffee chain (they are everywhere, after all).

However, I have never seen Starbucks products in a supermarket before. In the dairy aisle, nested among the milk and yoghurts, was this little delight: a chilled frappuccino in a beautiful glass bottle. Simply amazing.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Definitely not a baker

I love baking. Or rather, I love the idea of baking. When browsing the baking accessories section of the John Lewis website, for some obscure reason I begin to get ridiculously excited. The bowls, measuring jugs, cake cases and cookie cutters fill me with the intense desire to put on my apron and start sifting the flour. I even purchased a Le Creuset baby blue spatula on my last visit to the department store - I just couldn't help myself.

However, I will hold my hands up and admit that although I enjoy baking, I am definitely not a natural baker. On my last baking effort, I attempted a batch of blueberry cupcakes from a recipe I found ages ago in The Sunday Times Style magazine. The pictures shown looked absolutely scrumptious. My cakes, unfortunately, did not.

I couldn't even bring myself to take a photo of my culinary disaster. Not even the effects of Instagram could mask this epic fail.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Wonderful Westfield

Since it opened a few months ago, Westfield Stratford City has been continually overflowing with hoards of shoppers. This influx of people was not surprising, and I decided to bide my time before taking my first steps into East London's newest consumer paradise.

I must admit, on my initial visit, I was slightly underwhelmed. Being very familiar with Stratford's sister mall located in White City, I had certain expectations. I was expecting this Westfield to be like a mirror replica of the other. But in reality it is very different, not just in the design of the space but also the atmosphere.

However, after numerous visits (I have been good and kept my purse firmly in my bag the majority of the time), Westfield Stratford City has really grown on me. During the Christmas season, it is especially festive. Jolly seasonal jingles ring out over the PA system inside the walls, and outside hundreds of lights twinkle around a buzzing ice rink. A little bit of Winter Wonderland of Stratford.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

It begins

As you must be well aware of by now, I am a bit of a WWE fanatic. And things in the 'E have just become even more exciting. For the last few weeks, a series of cryptic YouTube videos have infiltrated our usual viewing. They state that on the second day of 2012, we will witness a return of epic proportions.

But who could it be? As much as I hope these vignettes are suggesting the return of one of my all-time favourite superstars, Christ Jericho, I'm not getting my hopes up. This time last year, we were given a similar set of promos, only to be disappointed with the final outcome. Therefore, I'm remaining skeptical. Hurry up January 2nd.

Monday 19 December 2011

Presents you can't wait to give

When you are a child, presents seem to be the most important and exciting part of Christmas. It's sad, but true. The real meaning of Christmas takes a back seat to the large red and white character of Santa Claus, with his sleigh full to the brim with beautifully wrapped magical gifts. As you age, however, things begin to change. Although presents continue to contribute to the majority of Christmas preparation time, giving them to your nearest and dearest greatly trumps receiving them.

As mentioned in a previous post, I absolutely love taking a trip to my beloved Paperchase in order to stock up on my gift-giving necessities. This year though (mostly due to sheer laziness on my part), I decided to place my Paperchase order online. When the parcel arrived, I was ridiculously excited to see my goodies: cards, wrapping paper, tissue, ribbons - the whole shebang.

I spent an entire evening lovingly crafting my masterpieces, complete with well wrapped paper and curled ribbon. And they looked amazing (even if I do say so myself). I can't wait to take on the role of Santa and deliver them. I'm just like the boy in the John Lewis advert.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Black Mirror

This was a strange series. After viewing all three episodes of Charlie Brooker's satirical sci-fi concoction, I wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. Part of me enjoyed the dystopian take on a future Britain, but I also found it somewhat pretentious.

It was only a matter of time before someone produced a programme critiquing our obsession with social media and reality television. These topics are very relevant to modern day society, and for the most part, Black Mirror covers them very well with its comedy-drama mix. Definitely recommended.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Free monkey nuts

I think Gourmet Burger Kitchen is my new favourite eating establishment (although I would never say that in front of Nando's or Pizza Express). Until fairly recently, however, I hadn't even heard of GBK. Then one evening at Westfield Stratford City, when my friends and I couldn't even get in the door of the ever-popular Nando's, we stumbled across this hidden restaurant gem.

It's such a simple idea, and simple is usually always best when it comes to food. The burgers, whether beef, chicken or veggie are absolutely divine, the chunky chips are some the best potato pieces I have ever had the pleasure of devouring, and the onion rings are heaven deep-fried. And you get a pot of monkey nuts on the house! What could be better than that?

Friday 16 December 2011

Snow way!

I could not believe it. It actually snowed today, albeit for a split second. Whenever I witness even the smallest speck of snow, I can sense the excitement building inside of me and I feel like a child again. Thoughts of sledging and snowball fights fill my head, and I watch eagerly out of the window in the hope that the flakes will continue to fall. And although the snow didn't settle and leave behind a glistening white blanket, it was enough to serve as a reminder that Christmas is almost here. I can't wait.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Surprised kitty

This is just the cutest video I have ever seen on YouTube, and believe me, I have seen my fair share of cute clips. As you may know, I am cat mad, so this was bound to pull at my heart strings. Those little outstretched white paws are beyond adorable.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Black and gold, black and gold

I think I am a little obsessed with winter party dresses. In the past few weeks I have bought four beauties, and spent way more money than I should have. Unfortunately, I don't have any occasions lined up yet for me to wear them. I need to get planning!

You may be surprised to know that this latest dress is not a Claudia Winkleman number (gasp!). It is actually a dress that I had my eye on last winter. However, being by Reiss, my student budget would not allow me to shell out the £139 needed. And so I had to let the black and gold wonder go.

I was reminded of the dress when I saw someone wearing it recently, so I decided to search for it again in the hope may find it for less than before. And low and behold, I found a BNWT one listed on eBay. As you can imagine, due to my dress obsession, I just had to have it.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Water skating

Every winter, ice rinks begin to pop up in various locations all over London. For the past couple of years, I have attended in the hope that this time, I will be a better skater. Unfortunately, that is never the case and I am just as rubbish on the ice as I remembered.

I've been to the rinks at Kew Gardens and Somerset House, both of which are situated in absolutely beautiful settings. This year, for something a little different, I decided to book tickets to skate outside the iconic Natural History Museum.

The museum building is always a stunner, and when lit up at night with literally thousands of Christmas fairy lights, it looks magical. The weeping trees drooping over the large square of ice were covered in little white lights and twinkling in the wind. It would have been a wonderful place to skate.

However, when booking the tickets there was something I didn't quite prepare for: the December weather. Just an hour before our time slot, the heavens opened and it poured. When we arrived at the Natural History Museum we were already soaked, and there was a puddle of water an inch deep in the center of the rink. The skaters from the slot before us (and there weren't many) were making their way around the rink with extra care, with their hoods up and a miserable look on their face.

Unsurprisingly, we decided against the water skating. I am prone to falling over, and falling over in a pool of dirty water is certainly not my idea of fun. As disappointing as this all was, I think I would've been more upset to ruin my beloved camel coat (a bad idea in itself). Hopefully we'll go again before the season ends, and it'll be a lot drier and icier.

Monday 12 December 2011

X Factor? What X Factor?

It was the final of The X factor this weekend, if you weren't fully aware. However, unlike previous years, I really was not interested at all in the contest's outcome. I have nothing against the contestants on the show. In fact, I really liked Little Mix and was glad that they won. But there was just no excitement, and my time watching the final was spent waiting for it to end.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Santa pub crawl

This year my friends and I decided to dive head first into the Christmas spirit and attend the 2011 Santa Pub Crawl. We donned our finest festive outfits to march from pub to pub (with a G&T in hand), all in the name of charity fund raising.

Finding a suitable Santa outfit was a daunting task. I had been told Ann Summers had a nice costume, but there was absolutely no way in hell that I would be venturing outside wearing something predominately intended for the bedroom. However, after some frantic Googling, I managed to uncover a sizable collection of different Christmas fancy dress costumes on Amazon. Again, the majority of those on offer were a little too slutty for pub-wear, but there was one I found that I believed I could actually get away with.

The festivities began at The George pub opposite Borough Market. Upon arrival at London Bridge station, it was easy to know which way to go when we spotted a gathering of appropriately dressed Santas. During the walk to our starting point, we unsurprising received more than a few funny looks from passers by (I blame the candy cane striped stockings worn by my fellow Miss Santas!).

The pub crawl itself was what I expected. Too many people getting suitably pissed in grotty pubs which were too small to accommodate this number of Santas. The event organisers (or Senior Santas to us mere peasants) had to split up the crowd in order to deal with the sheer volume attempting to enter the cosy but tiny drinking establishments.

After we had arrived at pub number 3 (out of 6), we all decided that it was just too busy and so marched off to the Pizza Express we passed on the way there. After a yummy Padana pizza and bottle of fizzy rosé, we were too full to rejoin the masses, and instead made our way home (complete with the obligatory funny looks).

Saturday 10 December 2011

Rainbow Connection

As it is the festive season, I felt it was appropriate to purchase a similarly festive nail polish. And what could be better then OPI's annual Christmas collection. This year, the London brand has teamed up with Disney's The Muppets, to create a series of nail colours that will definitely bring some sparkle to your office party.

Every colour in the collection is unique and beautiful. And with names such as Fresh Frog of Bel Air (Green), Warm & Fozzie (Orange) and Gettin' Miss Piggy With It! (Red), how can you resist? My favourite has to be the suitably named Rainbow Collection. Featuring glitter flecks in every colour of the spectrum, it is a party look essential. Your nails will have never looked so fine!

Friday 9 December 2011

Hello Haylows

I have been searching for the perfect pair of black party shoes for what feels like forever. As much as I love my Nine West peep-toe courts, they don't work for every occasion. Due to being slip-on heels, they slide off my feet when worn with my trusty black opaques. And I for one refuse to leave the house in the depths of winter with bare, pasty legs.

Therefore, I have been on the hunt for a pair of heels complete with ankle strap. I thought I'd found the ideal pair at my favourite shoe store, Kurt Geiger. However, by the time I got around to placing my order, the beautiful Androids were out of stock. I must admit, have never been so disappointed when indulging in a little bit of retail therapy.

Fortunately, whilst browsing (as I do), I came across the Steve Madden Haylows on ASOS. A pair of black size 5s wasn't available, but I finally managed to find a pair on eBay. Ordered from Charlotte, NC, they only took a week to arrive and cost less than our usual online retailer.

They are every bit as gorgeous as they looked on screen. And even though they have 5 inch heels plus a platform, the are surprisingly comfortable. In fact, finding an occasion to wear them may prove more difficult than walking in them.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Aladdin's cave for arty geeks

You might be surprised to hear that my favourite high street store isn't a fashion house, but a stationers. Paperchase is, by far, the most interesting place to visit on a shopping trip to the West End. The flagship store at Tottenham Court Road is an Aladdin's cave for arty geeks like moi.

I especially enjoy Paperchase during the run-up to Christmas. The products on offer are absolutely beautiful. Cards, wrapping paper, ribbons and bows, mini trees, decorations... even diaries for the new year. Everything a person obsessed with pens and notebooks could wish for.

What could make a trip to Paperchase even better? 20% off everything, that's what. An offer in The Guardian allowed me to save £10 on my annual shop. As silly as it may sound, I enjoy giving presents just as much as receiving, and choosing the paper and ribbon with which to decorate them is one of my favourite Christmas "chores". And with this bargain offer, it just got even better.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Amazing Apple

I am an Apple (not the fruit!) addict. Ever since I laid my eyes on my first iPod, I have been in love with the brand. I have had two iPods, a Macbook, a 27" iMac and an iPhone. And as the saying goes: once you go Mac, you never go back.

Until now, I have been impressed not only with the style of Apple, but the quality. My Macbook is six years old and still going strong, despite taking quite a hammering during two intense uni courses. And the iPhone, despite being dropped onto concrete on occasion, has been ultra reliable.

But then the unthinkable happened. The iPhone stopped working. If it had been something trivial, I probably wouldn't have been too upset, but the basic function of a phone had ceased to work. And so I had no option but to take a trip to the Apple Store.

I was amazed at the service I received. Apple are renowned for brilliant customer service, but nothing had prepared me for what I experienced. I booked an appointment at the Covent Garden branch and saw an Apple Genius just after 11.40am the next day. Ten minutes later, I had a brand new, fully functioning iPhone. It is this that will make me choose Apple again and again.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Deck the halls

It's that time of year again. Time to scramble around the dusty loft and search out those Christmas decorations. Personally, putting up the plastic tree and untangling the fairy lights is not my idea of fun. It seems to take forever and I'm never completely satisfied with the final result.

But I must admit, on a cold and dark December night, they do look pretty lit up in all their twinkly splendour. And those beautiful baubles purchased last month at Liberty's look particularly elegant hanging amongst the branches. Finally, it really feels like Christmas.

Monday 5 December 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland in London's Hyde Park is a popular festive family treat. But a word of warning: never ever visit the attraction on a Saturday lunch time. It is unbearable. Hyde Park Corner underground station is beyond it's capacity, the pathways are so crowded that it takes an hour to walk from one end to the other, and you have to queue to do any activity.

But aside from the blanket of people covering this corner of London's biggest park, the seasonal festivities on offer are pretty spectacular. The ice-skating is particularly popular, with barely any room on the rink to move. There are theme park-style rides ranging in size from the slow but beautiful traditional carousel to the plunging drop of the Power Tower. There are also many fairground games offering gullible visitors the chance to win a naff cuddly toy! (Generation Game, anyone?).

But by far, the best of all is the Christmas Market. Styled in a similar manner to the well-known and much loved German Christmas markets, there is a wonderful array of delights on offer. And this seasonal food and drink is more than just some roasted chestnuts. There is the Bavarian Village with its bratwurst and beer, fairground staples such as donuts and chips, and of course, what Christmas fayre is complete without our favourite, mulled wine.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Leonardo da Vinci

The Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at The National Gallery has been phenomenally popular. So much so, that the three-month showcase featuring some of the finest works of the Renaissance master together in one place has been a sell out. Luckily, I was on the ball and booked tickets well in advance (July, to be precise).

Even with the months of hype and critical acclaim surrounding the exhibition, it definitely didn't disappoint. Seven rooms had been dedicated to one of the most well known men of all time, each covering a different area of his work.

Of course, the paintings and drawings were the most impressive of all. Da Vinci's incorporation of delicate features and careful consideration of light and shade is unique and inspiring. The recently discovered 'Christ Mundi' was a favourite of mine, with the style and aura bearing a strong resemblance to Da Vinci's most famous work: The Mona Lisa (which, unsurprisingly, was not among the works on display here - I don't think The Lourve would ever let it out of its sight).

But for me, I was especially taken with the drawings of the human anatomy, accompanied by Da Vinci's distinctive left-hand mirror script. It is absolutely beautiful, and just as mesmerising as the art.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Countdown to Christmas

The chocolate Advent calendar, for me, marks the start of the festive season. Each little door, when opened, slowly and steadily counts down to what everyone has been eagerly waiting for: Christmas Day. However, it can be difficult to remember to head to the calendar on each day throughout the month of December.

And so, usually, I end up storing a weeks worth of chocolates between visits. But I have discovered that this is a great way of enjoying the cute chocolate shapes hiding behind the doors. On their own, they are far too small (granted, my Pepper Pig calendar is for children, but still). But six or seven at a time, now that is much better.

Friday 2 December 2011

Yellowcard @ HMV Forum

I have been a fan of Yellowcard for over five years. During that time the pop punk band have released several amazing albums, been on a three year hiatus, thankfully reformed and have recently embarked on a long-awaited European tour.

Due to being completely immersed in my postgraduate coursework, the band's UK tour in March earlier this year with fellow alternative rockers All Time Low passed me by. Luckily for me, during a rare break from study-hibernation, their second trip to London caught my eye and I quickly bagged myself tickets.

The gig took place in one of the few music venues in our capital city that I haven't yet visited: the HMV Forum in Kentish Town. I enjoy attending gigs in that area of North London as it has a great atmosphere and buzzing vibe. The venue was a decent size, but as usual became incredibly packed by the time the headline act graced the stage.

But the five year wait and crowded venue was completely worth it. Yellowcard are amazing live. Some bands sound great when recorded, but are a disappointment in person. Not Yellowcard. They actually sounded better live than they do on my iPod.

Ryan Key, with his true pop punk voice, can hit every single high-note he attempts, and Longineu W. Parsons III (what a name!) is an insanely talented drummer. But it is violinist Sean Mackin who steals the show for me. Having played the violin for a number of years, I have a soft-spot for this beautiful stringed instrument, and Mackin plays it to perfection.

The intricate violin playing (complete with vibrato) is a sound truly unique to Yellowcard. Most alternative music aficionados may say that a traditionally classical instrument shouldn't work in this way, but it does. It so does. In fact, it is the very thing that makes this band one of my all-time favourites.

Thursday 1 December 2011

I love Nando's

This is really just a Nando's appreciation post. The restaurant chain needs no introduction, with over 230 outlets located across the UK. In fact, I have only ever met one person who is not a Nando's fan (even vegetarians like it!). Now that's saying something.

I don't remember my first Nando's experience, but it must have been good because I have returned again and again. When asked to describe Nando's to my dad (who until today, had never set foot inside this fine food establishment), I was challenged to describe it in any way other than upmarket spicy chicken and chips. But that's exactly what it is, and what I love about it.