Thursday 12 January 2012

Mr. Blonde

I really don't want to admit that I am currently glued to the latest series of Celebrity Big Brother... but I am! Although I have never been the reality TV show's biggest fan, for the last couple of years I have found myself sitting in front of my television eagerly awaiting each day's instalment.

However, I usually only watch the programme because of a specific "celebrity". I use the term loosely here, as it is hard to class many of the current participants as stars: Natasha Giggs is a prime example, and I had never even heard of Andrew Stone prior to the programme (and I'm still unsure who he is or what he does!).

Last year, it was Jedward that caught my attention. Granted, they are beyond annoying, with their constant okaying and hyperactive personalities. But they were highly amusing, and had me in hysterics on numerous occasions. I found the time when they were shampooing each other's hair the most surreal thing I have ever witnessed.

Alas, there is no more Jedward, but we have been offered someone even better. The only person in the entire house I would honestly say can be considered a bona fide celebrity: Michael Madsen. Mr. Blonde (for those who haven't seen the masterpiece that is Reservoir Dogs), is simply amazing.

I'm not sure what it is about him, but I find him genuinely captivating. His mannerisms are so endearing, and he has me in stitches with what he says about his fellow housemates. He also looks ridiculously cool in his cowboy hat. He won't win, but he should. My vote definitely goes to Mr. Blonde.

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